vLLM 使用以下环境变量来配置系统
设置 vLLM 内部使用的端口和 IP。它不是 API 服务器的端口和 IP。如果您使用 --host $VLLM_HOST_IP
和 --port $VLLM_PORT
来启动 API 服务器,它将无法工作。
vLLM 使用的所有环境变量都以 VLLM_
为前缀。Kubernetes 用户应特别注意:请不要将服务命名为 vllm
,否则 Kubernetes 设置的环境变量可能会与 vLLM 的环境变量冲突,因为 Kubernetes 为每个服务设置环境变量,并将大写的服务名称作为前缀。
environment_variables: Dict[str, Callable[[], Any]] = {
# ================== Installation Time Env Vars ==================
# Target device of vLLM, supporting [cuda (by default),
# rocm, neuron, cpu, openvino]
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_TARGET_DEVICE", "cuda"),
# Maximum number of compilation jobs to run in parallel.
# By default this is the number of CPUs
lambda: os.getenv("MAX_JOBS", None),
# Number of threads to use for nvcc
# By default this is 1.
# If set, `MAX_JOBS` will be reduced to avoid oversubscribing the CPU.
lambda: os.getenv("NVCC_THREADS", None),
# If set, vllm will use precompiled binaries (*.so)
lambda: bool(os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_PRECOMPILED")) or bool(
# CMake build type
# If not set, defaults to "Debug" or "RelWithDebInfo"
# Available options: "Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo"
lambda: os.getenv("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"),
# If set, vllm will print verbose logs during installation
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv('VERBOSE', '0'))),
# Root directory for VLLM configuration files
# Defaults to `~/.config/vllm` unless `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is set
# Note that this not only affects how vllm finds its configuration files
# during runtime, but also affects how vllm installs its configuration
# files during **installation**.
lambda: os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join(get_default_config_root(), "vllm"),
# ================== Runtime Env Vars ==================
# Root directory for VLLM cache files
# Defaults to `~/.cache/vllm` unless `XDG_CACHE_HOME` is set
lambda: os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm"),
# used in distributed environment to determine the ip address
# of the current node, when the node has multiple network interfaces.
# If you are using multi-node inference, you should set this differently
# on each node.
lambda: os.getenv('VLLM_HOST_IP', ""),
# used in distributed environment to manually set the communication port
# Note: if VLLM_PORT is set, and some code asks for multiple ports, the
# VLLM_PORT will be used as the first port, and the rest will be generated
# by incrementing the VLLM_PORT value.
# '0' is used to make mypy happy
lambda: int(os.getenv('VLLM_PORT', '0'))
if 'VLLM_PORT' in os.environ else None,
# path used for ipc when the frontend api server is running in
# multi-processing mode to communicate with the backend engine process.
lambda: os.getenv('VLLM_RPC_BASE_PATH', tempfile.gettempdir()),
# If true, will load models from ModelScope instead of Hugging Face Hub.
# note that the value is true or false, not numbers
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_MODELSCOPE", "False").lower() == "true",
# Interval in seconds to log a warning message when the ring buffer is full
lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_RINGBUFFER_WARNING_INTERVAL", "60")),
# path to cudatoolkit home directory, under which should be bin, include,
# and lib directories.
lambda: os.environ.get("CUDA_HOME", None),
# Path to the NCCL library file. It is needed because nccl>=2.19 brought
# by PyTorch contains a bug: https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl/issues/1234
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_NCCL_SO_PATH", None),
# when `VLLM_NCCL_SO_PATH` is not set, vllm will try to find the nccl
# library file in the locations specified by `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`
lambda: os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", None),
# flag to control if vllm should use triton flash attention
lambda: (os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_TRITON_FLASH_ATTN", "True").lower() in
("true", "1")),
# Force vllm to use a specific flash-attention version (2 or 3), only valid
# when using the flash-attention backend.
lambda: maybe_convert_int(os.environ.get("VLLM_FLASH_ATTN_VERSION", None)),
# Internal flag to enable Dynamo fullgraph capture
lambda: bool(
os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_DYNAMO_FULLGRAPH_CAPTURE", "1") != "0"),
# local rank of the process in the distributed setting, used to determine
# the GPU device id
lambda: int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", "0")),
# used to control the visible devices in the distributed setting
lambda: os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", None),
# timeout for each iteration in the engine
lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_ENGINE_ITERATION_TIMEOUT_S", "60")),
# API key for VLLM API server
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_API_KEY", None),
# S3 access information, used for tensorizer to load model from S3
lambda: os.environ.get("S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", None),
lambda: os.environ.get("S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", None),
lambda: os.environ.get("S3_ENDPOINT_URL", None),
# Usage stats collection
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USAGE_STATS_SERVER", "https://stats.vllm.ai"),
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_NO_USAGE_STATS", "0") == "1",
lambda: (os.environ.get("VLLM_DO_NOT_TRACK", None) or os.environ.get(
"DO_NOT_TRACK", None) or "0") == "1",
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USAGE_SOURCE", "production"),
# Logging configuration
# If set to 0, vllm will not configure logging
# If set to 1, vllm will configure logging using the default configuration
# or the configuration file specified by VLLM_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_CONFIGURE_LOGGING", "1")),
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH"),
# this is used for configuring the default logging level
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_LOGGING_LEVEL", "INFO"),
# if set, VLLM_LOGGING_PREFIX will be prepended to all log messages
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_LOGGING_PREFIX", ""),
# if set, vllm will call logits processors in a thread pool with this many
# threads. This is useful when using custom logits processors that either
# (a) launch additional CUDA kernels or (b) do significant CPU-bound work
# while not holding the python GIL, or both.
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_LOGITS_PROCESSOR_THREADS", "0"))
if "VLLM_LOGITS_PROCESSOR_THREADS" in os.environ else None,
# Trace function calls
# If set to 1, vllm will trace function calls
# Useful for debugging
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_TRACE_FUNCTION", "0")),
# Backend for attention computation
# Available options:
# - "TORCH_SDPA": use torch.nn.MultiheadAttention
# - "FLASH_ATTN": use FlashAttention
# - "XFORMERS": use XFormers
# - "ROCM_FLASH": use ROCmFlashAttention
# - "FLASHINFER": use flashinfer
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_ATTENTION_BACKEND", None),
# If set, vllm will use flashinfer sampler
lambda: bool(int(os.environ["VLLM_USE_FLASHINFER_SAMPLER"]))
if "VLLM_USE_FLASHINFER_SAMPLER" in os.environ else None,
# If set, vllm will force flashinfer to use tensor cores;
# otherwise will use heuristic based on model architecture.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_FLASHINFER_FORCE_TENSOR_CORES", "0"))),
# Pipeline stage partition strategy
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_PP_LAYER_PARTITION", None),
# (CPU backend only) CPU key-value cache space.
# default is 4GB
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_CPU_KVCACHE_SPACE", "0")),
# (CPU backend only) CPU core ids bound by OpenMP threads, e.g., "0-31",
# "0,1,2", "0-31,33". CPU cores of different ranks are separated by '|'.
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_CPU_OMP_THREADS_BIND", "all"),
# OpenVINO device selection
# default is CPU
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_DEVICE", "CPU").upper(),
# OpenVINO key-value cache space
# default is 4GB
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_KVCACHE_SPACE", "0")),
# OpenVINO KV cache precision
# default is bf16 if natively supported by platform, otherwise f16
# To enable KV cache compression, please, explicitly specify u8
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_CPU_KV_CACHE_PRECISION", None),
# Enables weights compression during model export via HF Optimum
# default is False
(os.environ.get("VLLM_OPENVINO_ENABLE_QUANTIZED_WEIGHTS", "0").lower() in
("on", "true", "1")),
# If the env var is set, then all workers will execute as separate
# processes from the engine, and we use the same mechanism to trigger
# execution on all workers.
# Run vLLM with VLLM_USE_RAY_SPMD_WORKER=1 to enable it.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_SPMD_WORKER", "0"))),
# If the env var is set, it uses the Ray's compiled DAG API
# which optimizes the control plane overhead.
# Run vLLM with VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG=1 to enable it.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG", "0"))),
# If the env var is set, it uses NCCL for communication in
# Ray's compiled DAG. This flag is ignored if
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG_NCCL_CHANNEL", "1"))
# If the env var is set, it enables GPU communication overlap
# (experimental feature) in Ray's compiled DAG. This flag is ignored if
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG_OVERLAP_COMM", "0"))
# Use dedicated multiprocess context for workers.
# Both spawn and fork work
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_WORKER_MULTIPROC_METHOD", "fork"),
# Path to the cache for storing downloaded assets
lambda: os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm", "assets"),
# Timeout for fetching images when serving multimodal models
# Default is 5 seconds
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_IMAGE_FETCH_TIMEOUT", "5")),
# Timeout for fetching videos when serving multimodal models
# Default is 30 seconds
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_VIDEO_FETCH_TIMEOUT", "30")),
# Timeout for fetching audio when serving multimodal models
# Default is 10 seconds
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_AUDIO_FETCH_TIMEOUT", "10")),
# Cache size for multimodal feature/input cache for multimodal models
# in unit of number of multimodal data items (e.g. image, video, audio).
# Default is 256 multimodal data items.
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_MM_INPUT_CACHE_SIZE", "256")),
# Path to the XLA persistent cache directory.
# Only used for XLA devices such as TPUs.
lambda: os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm", "xla_cache"),
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_FUSED_MOE_CHUNK_SIZE", "32768")),
# If set, vllm will skip the deprecation warnings.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_NO_DEPRECATION_WARNING", "0"))),
# If set, the OpenAI API server will stay alive even after the underlying
# AsyncLLMEngine errors and stops serving requests
lambda: bool(os.getenv("VLLM_KEEP_ALIVE_ON_ENGINE_DEATH", 0)),
# If the env var VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN is set, it allows
# the user to specify a max sequence length greater than
# the max length derived from the model's config.json.
# To enable this, set VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN=1.
(os.environ.get("VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN", "0").strip().lower() in
("1", "true")),
# If set, forces FP8 Marlin to be used for FP8 quantization regardless
# of the hardware support for FP8 compute.
(os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_FORCE_FP8_MARLIN", "0").strip().lower() in
("1", "true")),
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_TEST_FORCE_LOAD_FORMAT", "dummy"),
# Time in ms for the zmq client to wait for a response from the backend
# server for simple data operations
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_RPC_TIMEOUT", "10000")),
# a list of plugin names to load, separated by commas.
# if this is not set, it means all plugins will be loaded
# if this is set to an empty string, no plugins will be loaded
lambda: None if "VLLM_PLUGINS" not in os.environ else os.environ[
# Enables torch profiler if set. Path to the directory where torch profiler
# traces are saved. Note that it must be an absolute path.
lambda: (None if os.getenv("VLLM_TORCH_PROFILER_DIR", None) is None else os
.path.expanduser(os.getenv("VLLM_TORCH_PROFILER_DIR", "."))),
# If set, vLLM will use Triton implementations of AWQ.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_TRITON_AWQ", "0"))),
# If set, allow loading or unloading lora adapters in runtime,
(os.environ.get("VLLM_ALLOW_RUNTIME_LORA_UPDATING", "0").strip().lower() in
("1", "true")),
# By default, vLLM will check the peer-to-peer capability itself,
# in case of broken drivers. See https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/blob/a9b15c606fea67a072416ea0ea115261a2756058/vllm/distributed/device_communicators/custom_all_reduce_utils.py#L101-L108 for details. # noqa
# If this env var is set to 1, vLLM will skip the peer-to-peer check,
# and trust the driver's peer-to-peer capability report.
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_SKIP_P2P_CHECK", "0") == "1",
# List of quantization kernels that should be disabled, used for testing
# and performance comparisons. Currently only affects MPLinearKernel
# selection
# (kernels: MacheteLinearKernel, MarlinLinearKernel, ExllamaLinearKernel)
lambda: [] if "VLLM_DISABLED_KERNELS" not in os.environ else os.environ[
# If set, use the V1 code path.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_V1", "0"))),
# Pad the fp8 weights to 256 bytes for ROCm
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_ROCM_FP8_PADDING", "1"))),
# Divisor for dynamic key scale factor calculation for FP8 KV Cache
lambda: int(os.getenv("K_SCALE_CONSTANT", "200")),
# Divisor for dynamic value scale factor calculation for FP8 KV Cache
lambda: int(os.getenv("V_SCALE_CONSTANT", "100")),
# If set, enable multiprocessing in LLM for the V1 code path.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_ENABLE_V1_MULTIPROCESSING", "1"))),
lambda: float(os.getenv("VLLM_LOG_BATCHSIZE_INTERVAL", "-1")),
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_DISABLE_COMPILE_CACHE", "0"))),
# If set, vllm will run in development mode, which will enable
# some additional endpoints for developing and debugging,
# e.g. `/reset_prefix_cache`
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_SERVER_DEV_MODE", "0"))),
# Controls the maximum number of requests to handle in a
# single asyncio task when processing per-token outputs in the
# V1 AsyncLLM interface. It is applicable when handling a high
# concurrency of streaming requests.
# Setting this too high can result in a higher variance of
# inter-message latencies. Setting it too low can negatively impact
# TTFT and overall throughput.
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_V1_OUTPUT_PROC_CHUNK_SIZE", "128")),
# If set, vLLM will disable the MLA attention optimizations.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_MLA_DISABLE", "0"))),
# Flag that can control whether or not we perform matrix-absorption for MLA
# decode, i.e. absorb W_UK into W_Q/W_UK and W_UV into W_O, absorbing the
# matrices reduces the runtime FLOPs needed to compute MLA but requires
# storing more weights, W_Q_UK and W_UV_O, so can increase memory usage,
# the is enabled by default
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_MLA_PERFORM_MATRIX_ABSORPTION", "1"))),
# When running MLA with matrix-absorption enabled and fp8 quantized weights
# we perform the matrix-absorption in float32 precision, after the matrices
# are absorbed we requantize the weights back to fp8, this flag can be used
# to disable the requantization step, and instead convert the absorbed
# matrices to match the activation type. This can lead to higher memory and
# compute usage but better preserves the accuracy of the original model.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_MLA_DISABLE_REQUANTIZATION", "0"))),
# If set, vLLM will use the Triton implementation of moe_align_block_size,
# i.e. moe_align_block_size_triton in fused_moe.py.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_ENABLE_MOE_ALIGN_BLOCK_SIZE_TRITON", "0"))
# Number of GPUs per worker in Ray, if it is set to be a fraction,
# it allows ray to schedule multiple actors on a single GPU,
# so that users can colocate other actors on the same GPUs as vLLM.
lambda: float(os.getenv("VLLM_RAY_PER_WORKER_GPUS", "1.0")),
# Bundle indices for Ray, if it is set, it can control precisely
# which indices are used for the Ray bundle, for every worker.
# Format: comma-separated list of integers, e.g. "0,1,2,3"
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_RAY_BUNDLE_INDICES", ""),
# When on a Nvidia GPU aligns single entries (within a page) so they are 256
# byte aligned for better performance, this increases the memory usage of
# the cache. Currently this only affects MLA that results in non-256
# byte aligned entries. This matches the alignment the CUDA runtime uses
# for all allocations. Currently this primarily affects MLA, for most other
# models the alignment is already naturally aligned to 256 bytes.
lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_CUDA_MEM_ALIGN_KV_CACHE", "1"))),
# In some system, find_loaded_library() may not work. So we allow users to
# specify the path through environment variable VLLM_CUDART_SO_PATH.
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_CUDART_SO_PATH", None),
# Contiguous cache fetching to avoid using costly gather operation on
# Gaudi3. This is only applicable to HPU contiguous cache. If set to true,
# contiguous cache fetch will be used.
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_CONTIGUOUS_PA", "true").lower() in
("1", "true"),
# Rank of the process in the data parallel setting
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_DP_RANK", "0")),
# World size of the data parallel setting
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_DP_SIZE", "1")),
# IP address of the master node in the data parallel setting
lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_DP_MASTER_IP", ""),
# Port of the master node in the data parallel setting
lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_DP_MASTER_PORT", "0")),
# Whether to use S3 path for model loading in CI via RunAI Streamer
lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_CI_USE_S3", "0") == "1",